
True-Trace products are no longer manufactured.  Production ended in 1999 and no new valves or systems have been manufactured since then.  Rosebrook and MIMIK have been competitors since the 1960's.  We have knowledge of most True-Trace systems and can offer information, repairs and often refurbished or equivalent units.

Hydraulic tracers have been used in one form or another for well over 50 years. A hydraulic tracer enables someone to follow a template and precisely control the movement of hydraulic cylinders or motors. This creates an exact 1:1 duplication from the template to the travel path of the cylinders or motors. This is especially useful when there is a requirement for a large quantity of the same part. It is a simple process which avoids the necessity of computers and programs. This simplicity makes it easy for operators with all skill levels to operate a piece of machinery.

Many people have trouble identifying their True-Trace model.

Connect on the link to see the different models manufactured by True-Trace.

True-Trace Models
Operator Manuals

We offer copies of the True-Trace operator manuals.  Since we did not manufacture valves we charge for the manuals.  The price is $75.00 USD for an emailed copy in the .pdf format.  If a printed copy is required we charge $125.00 USD. We have manuals for the following models
360-3D                               D-300 (95 pages) and operator guide (21 pages)
1110                                   D-501C (43 pages) and operator guide (21 pages)
Mark series lathe tracer       (82 pages)
Synchro-Trace                    (62 pages)


Rosebrook may be able to look at your single axis True-Trace valve if you need it repaired.  Many times repair is simply a matter of evaluation, disassembly, cleaning, assembly, adjustment and testing.  Sometimes it requires parts and we do not stock all parts for True-Trace like we do for Rosebrook and MIMIK valves.  For this reason it becomes very expensive if we have to make new parts to replace worn or broken parts.  We do not work on Model 1090 and above since we no longer have the test equipment.

We will examine your True-Trace valve and provide a firm repair price for an evaluation fee of $100.00 US.   We will contact you with this repair price before incurring any additional charges.  This evaluation fee is waived if you authorize the repair.

We do require a return authorization and we do ask that you contact us to discuss your valve and properly schedule the work in our facility.


True-Trace 360-3D Troubleshooting
True-Trace Mark Troubleshooting